Robotic arm prosthesis with inertial control system
Medical technologies in the field of equipment development
The aim of the project is to develop a robotic shoulder prosthesis with the following features that differentiate it from analogs:

  1. Inertial system for controlling the position of the prosthesis in space
  2. Application of optical sensors for reading control commands (for performing the grasp) from active muscle groups
  3. Built-in IoT module and a complete cloud platform for monitoring the technical condition of the prosthesis and the user's activity
  4. Integrated mechanotactile feedback system
Description of the problem
Prosthetics for shoulder injuries (missing elbow joint) is the most underdeveloped area of upper limb prosthetics in the world. The main reason for this is the technological underdevelopment of the industry as a whole, which makes it very uncomfortable for the user to operate shoulder prostheses using classical methods (as is currently done for forearm prostheses). As a result, users often simply refuse to purchase a functional shoulder prosthesis. The main disadvantages of current solutions are:

  1. The limitations of the classical control system for robotic prostheses (two-channel trigger control based on the electromyogram of the shoulder muscles).
  2. Excessive weight of the prosthesis.
  3. Expensive products due to lack of competition in the market (there are only 2 manufacturers of robotic elbow modules for shoulder prostheses in the world).
  4. Lack of full rehabilitation programs and training in the use of high-tech shoulder prostheses.
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